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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, September 09, 2005

Stayed Home Again Today

Yes, I have stayed home with my kids once again. Zachary goes in today for his orthopedic surgeon appointment, I'm thinking they are probably just going to put a regular cast on his arm. Which, I was totally pissed off yesterday when I called the damned doctors office to confirm my appointment. The nurse at the emergency room had told me to call and tell them that Dr. Logan had already talked to Dr. Rau and I was to confirm an appointment. I call Dr. Rau's office, and they treat me like I'm crack addicted welfare trash making up a story. I had my 'sufficiently rude' voice going by the end of the conversation.

"Ok, so what your are telling me then is, your office has no way of keeping track of what Dr. Rau does in a day, or what doctors he speaks with. Odd, I mean, I presume you are the one who answers the phone, am I correct?" I am oozing with sweetness as I slip this out.

"Yes, I am the receptionist, Dr. Rau receives several calls a day, Dr. Rau doesn't always confirm referrals with me," I can hear her typing away in the back ground. I'm beginning to think he did let her know, she set the information aside, and has just now found it.

"Well then, this is what needs to be done. Zach was in the ER on Wednesday with a broken arm. DR. Rau assisted Dr. Logan on how to set the break. Dr. Logan then referred me to this office for follow up. Either you can fit him in, or I go back to the ER and speak with someone about another referral. My 11 year old is wearing a temporary cast held together by ace bandages." This time I was matter of fact. I still hear her furiously typing away.

"We have an opening at 1:30 on Friday. Will that work for you?" It is now she who is dripping with sweetness.

"That will be just fine." I have taken on my overly sweet voice again.

"Just one last thing. Dr. Rau is going to need you to bring Zach's x-rays with you." Damn her!! Now I'm pissed off again. That means I have to go back to the ER and request the stupid things. I'm not going to let her win.

"No problem. Have a nice day now" End of conversation.


Blogger Unknown said...

Don't let them off the hook. Get Zachary sorted out and then do a little arm breaking of your own, hehe.

inzfuk - no need to swear!

11:52 AM  

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