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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, November 11, 2005

5 Reasons I HATE the company I work for

  1. I haven't had a raise in 5 years because of the company's financial state.
  2. I haven't had a performance evaluation in 4 years because I've had 6 different bosses in that time.
  3. I specifically took a vacation day today so I could be home to pay the gas man when he filled the propane tank. When I went to pick up my paycheck I was told it is now company policy that when you are absent from work on a payday, the company will not give you your check. You will have to wait until you receive it in the mail.
  4. The woman who told me this still had the fucking stack of checks in her God damned hands. I swore as I left the front office. I'm sure I'll be receiving some kind of reprimand when I get to work on Monday. Worse yet, I had my little guy with me. I swore in front of him.
  5. I cried when I got to my jeep. My check that I wrote the gas company is now going to bounce. I have no idea when I'll be getting my paycheck, and I already paid the guy. I didn't even realize I was crying until my little guy told me not to cry.

This is exactly what happens when you work for big business, multiple operation corporations. you become a number, not a person. It is no longer a priority to ensure your needs are met. You are a nameless faceless employee who merely exists to provide them a service. With or without you they still exist, you are a disposable commodity to be used at will.

And there is nothing I can do about it.


Blogger Trée said...

Sherri, I am so sorry to hear that. I've heard of nonsensical company policies but your list takes the cake in almost every catagory. Maybe I'll get the campfire going again and bring something a little stronger than Kahula. Hang in there sweetie and don't let the bastards get you down.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Trée said...

Sherri, I posted a poem for ya in the comments under "Yellow." I didn't write it but I hope you like it.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

That was the best poem Trée, I really loved it. It was absolutely perfect.

It's hard not to get down sometimes, especially when things just don't seem to be going very well. I was driving back home from work thinking 'I would do anything to be somewhere other then right here right now.'

I guess I'm just too emotional. I had a boss that told me I internalize things and my skin is too thin. He's 100% correct, and I like the fact that I do that. There has to be people out there that have at least a shred of humanity left in them.

1:13 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

To quote another of my favorites: "It is easier to stay out than get out."
Mark Twain

I stayed in my job (you described it perfectly in your post) working for a food giant corporation, even after they demoted me (company downsizing you understand) and made my life so miserable I just couldn't stand life. Fear and terrible self doubts and financial insecurity made me cling to that employer even though it was killing me. After 3 months of that hell after the demotion, I quit. Guess what? I got another job, and life went on much more happily ever after. I'm so sorry you are caught in that corporate Hades. I hope things turn around for you very soon. ~hugs to you~

1:57 PM  
Blogger Trée said...

Sherri, check your email for my "funny penguin." I think you might get a laugh out of this one. Enjoy.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I know exactly what you're saying duff. I suffer from all three, fear, self doubt, and financial insecurity.

I updated my resume today and have every intention of sending it out to as many people as I can, in fact, I have it posted on the internet with the local employment placement service. Who knows, maybe I'll get a bite from someone.

Trée, I loved the penguin! I can think of someone who I would like to see crash through the ice right now. LOL

3:18 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

that doesnt sound in CA, it could be different than in MI, but unless it is stated in a [signed] employee handbook that checks for non-working employees will only receive it by mail, then you are entitled to it on the exact date on the check...
serious, i would look into that one...cuz bouncing one check can cause a domino effect...thank goodness monday is a holiday, so your check to the gas man probably wont post til at least wed...
this pisses me off...

and pisses me off that i never pursued a career in law, too!

3:43 PM  
Blogger Bryan said...

So sorry to hear that, Sherri. Better things will come your way.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

legal or not, Seahag, that's what they did.

Thanks Bryan, I'm hoping for just that.

7:28 AM  
Blogger SD27 said...

My conpany thinks they are above the law. They make up rules without even checking the federal and/or state laws. It often comes back to bite them in the ass.
If they are going to mail you the check they are supposed to do it early enough so you get it on or before the date on it. If your payday falls on a weekend or holiday you should get it before that.
Anyhow, I use direct deposit to avoid paycheck nonsense.
They sound like a spiteful bunch.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

The company I work for and the company you work for sound to be very similar sd27.

Exact words from the HR department "If you had direct deposit then you wouldn't have to worry about this. Maybe next time you should consider that."

8:20 AM  
Blogger SD27 said...

That is what your HR Dept said???
I didn't think it was an HR departments duty to give out smart ass answers.
Who's watching the watchers?

10:50 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

The members of our HR department report directly to our corporate office. Convenient for them, we are in Michigan, the corporate office is in Florida, but the officer they report to is located in Minnesota.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I can't believe it! You weren't absent! It was a vacation day! Calling in sick (a possible way to be absent) is totally different from taking a vacation day. I'm not exactly livid, but I'm really mad, and it didn't even happen to me.

11:40 AM  

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