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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I went to the dentist this morning for a filling, and, it was a totally bizarre experience. He's a bizarre person to begin with though. He totally looks like someone who has obsessive compulsive issues. The hair sprayed flat to his head is a dead give away.

Anyway, there I am, sitting in the chair. He is humming away putting a topical on the inside of my gum with a swab. (I needed to get a filling, therefore, shots were needed.) So, after the topical was placed on my gum, he removes the swab, and puts his finger in my mouth and starts to massage it slowly in and out. At least 6 or seven times. Now, I'm not sure if something particularly different happened with today's procedure, but, this is NOT something that has ever happened before. He removes his finger, and sits back for a second, I'm assuming he's getting the syringe ready for the anesthetic, still humming. Then, he snapped at his assistant. That is something that he does quite frequently, however. I'm a little surprised that they have not quit by now. Apparently the water in the dentist tool was set too high. He leans over, gives the shot, and starts telling his assistant what tools to have ready. He was pretty crabby, I have to say.


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