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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Top 10 Reasons I don't want to be at work today....

10. I arrived at work today to find the entire contents of my desk taped right down to my desk.
9. I was unable to work the key pad on the entry door coming in. I ended up "ringing the bell for service"
8. The pop machine was once again out of Mt. Dew.
7. I've already gotten 2 comments on my blood shot eyes. (not enough sleep last night)
6. The first person I seen today when I stepped through the door was DAVE.
5. The inspection area has been overtaken by ants. (I personally believe they are coming from Joe's area.)
4. I heard the song 'Take This Job And Shove It' on the way to work today.
3. The little voices are telling me to go to the beach.
2. I used the last of my lip gloss.

And, the number one reason why I don't want to be at work today...........................

1. I just don't want to.


Blogger Big O said...

Reason #11 - overuse of acronyms and certain words like system, leverage, solution, specification, enterprise, repurpose, requirement, ect.

3:54 PM  

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