Praying Mantis are one of the coolest bugs ever. If you get caught killing one it's a $50 fine. At least that's what we said as kids. That and if you pick up a guniea (sp?) pig by it's tail it's eyes will fall out.
Gareth, absolutely. It's kind of like a cinderella story. After midnight, they turn into preying mantis's. :D
seahag, I don't know if I would use the word cute to describe him. This bug is huge! I'm pretty sure he could bench press me if given the opportunity. LOL
Phil, Yikes! I would hate to see a set of eye balls rolling across my floor. Note to self, never pick up guinea pigs by their tail!
So is this what Zach and Thomas look like at the weekends?!?? LOL.
he's cute!
I had no idea those lived anywhere but zoos and africa!!!!
do you have waterskippers out there?
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Praying Mantis are one of the coolest bugs ever. If you get caught killing one it's a $50 fine. At least that's what we said as kids. That and if you pick up a guniea (sp?) pig by it's tail it's eyes will fall out.
Gareth, absolutely. It's kind of like a cinderella story. After midnight, they turn into preying mantis's. :D
seahag, I don't know if I would use the word cute to describe him. This bug is huge! I'm pretty sure he could bench press me if given the opportunity. LOL
Phil, Yikes! I would hate to see a set of eye balls rolling across my floor. Note to self, never pick up guinea pigs by their tail!
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