1. Thomas was sleeping and Charlie woke him up for the picture. 2. I couldn't get the tripod to sit straight so it would take a level picture. Very frustrating. 3. I had the camera too far away so I had to run to get up the stairs and sit before it took the picture. 4. We're all smiling like crazy people because just as I sat down we all yelled 'Cheese!'
how cute! what a happy family!
Yes nice pic.
Thomas looks as interested in it as a worm sitting in a bird's beak.
Let's see, the makings of this picture.....
1. Thomas was sleeping and Charlie woke him up for the picture.
2. I couldn't get the tripod to sit straight so it would take a level picture. Very frustrating.
3. I had the camera too far away so I had to run to get up the stairs and sit before it took the picture.
4. We're all smiling like crazy people because just as I sat down we all yelled 'Cheese!'
I still can't get over Thomas's expression. He was probably wondering how he got there, lmao. Typical Thomas trait, lol.
Thanks for the running commentary (literally)
You're photo-editing software might be able to fix the the fact that the pic is crooked.
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