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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

And the Madness Begins

Today is opening day of rifle season where I live. (Deer hunting.) Everywhere you look, flannel shirts and scrubby beards.

My question is, what's up with the Grizzly Adams look? Is it really necessary to let yourself go to the point that you are nearly unrecognizable to your friends and family? If you ask me, it's not the most flattering look. Perhaps it is because I am not a hunter, but, I would think looking attractive for the females of your own species should take priority over looking good for a deer.

Since I am already on the topic, here is another point I have pondered about on more then one occasion. A guy starts getting ready days in advance for opening day of hunting season, yet, they get irritated and complain when it takes a woman 45 minutes to get ready to leave the house.

Hmmm..... Hello kettle, it's pot, you're black.

Yes, I'm a little cranky today. I can't help it. I get to look forward to absolutely no help from my husband (like I had any to begin with) until the end of hunting season. Only, now, I get to look forward to seeing his crap all over the house. Boots, tree climbers, bullets, woollies, shirts, socks..... you get the drift. How can one person be such a pig? And, how can it not bother him to create yet more work for an already overworked individual?


Blogger Jessica said...

It's cold outside. They need scruffy beards to keep warm.

2:09 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

And in golf attire...very bad...

3:11 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Tell him you want a maid service for Christmas.

7:07 PM  
Blogger Lynne said...

Yeah, but at least you might get a venison dinner out of the deal. Us anti-hunting liberals in Ann Arbor will be eating another tofu casserole!

11:24 PM  

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