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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, November 14, 2005

Have you heard the news?

My oldest friend Jessica is going to have a baby! Finally, someone to share my misery with me! LOL

Jessica and I first met in 7th grade art class. It was really a love/hate relationship. We loved to hate each other. I would pick on her, she would pick on me, but somewhere along the way throughout the course of the school year we ended up being best friends, almost attached at the hip.

It's amazing, really, that 19 years later we are still in contact with each other and continue to keep tabs on what new crisis/joy the other has encountered. Thank goodness for the electronic age, email and instant messaging are wonderful. Even though our lives have gone in entirely different paths we still have that one bond that keeps us together, friendship.

That said, Jessica, you're definitely going to be taking me shopping with you when you start getting prepared for that little bundle of joy! Right??? Right???

On a totally unrelated side note:
Jason has lost his soul. Soul patch that is. I noticed it when his wheelchair came to a screeching halt in front of me. Seeing the vending machine sandwich in my hand, he decided it was necessary to heckle and 'tsk tsk' me for putting junk into my body.

It was a turkey sandwich! How unhealthy could that possibly be. Bread, cheese, turkey. I couldn't think of a snappy comeback, I hate it when that happens!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow congratulations Jessica. Hey I should really be saying this on J's blog, haha. Oh well I will have left a comment on yours too so I have achieved something here, right? HAHA.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

You're just a wild and crazy guy Gareth! :)

2:04 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

That's awesome to have a friend for that long...rare, since people change over time...

3:28 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Turkey sandwich is not healthy? Sounds like he has orthorexia nervosa.

Direct him to my blog immediately.

I have no friend like that at all. I moved quite a bit when I was younger.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

seahag, there was a period of about 7 years that we were not in contact with each other. Jessica got married and went off to college, I had Zach and moved in with Charlie. About 3 1/2 years ago I decided to send Jessica a card to see what she'd been up to. We've been in contact ever since. We pretty much email each other daily.

Hmmm..... You know, phoenix, jason is very thin. I've never really thought about that before.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks, gareth!

Sherri, no need to verify. Of course you're the one who is taking me shopping! In a couple of months, I'm going to need some maternity clothes. How could I consider going to Kohl's without you?

11:46 AM  

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