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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Candy induced delusions

Aaaaah....... the day after Halloween battles begin.

'Thomas has my candy!'

'Where did all these candy wrappers come from??'

'What is this sticky thing stuck to the couch cushion?!'

(3 year old child wailing) 'Zach me tandy'

Lets not forget the 24 hour sugar rush that will ensue for the next 5 to 7 days, depending on how fast the candy is eaten. (Or, how skillfully the parent is at discarding the candy.) Like every other parent out there, I ask myself, why do I do this to myself every year?

It's kind of like giving birth to a baby. By the time you realize what you've gotten yourself into, it's too late to turn back! LOL

****Twist of Irony****
Zach and I had dentist appointments today! :D

No cavities for either of us. I continue to amaze the hygenist. I have been gifted with tartar repelling teeth.


Blogger Unknown said...

"tartar repelling teeth" - is that like a superhero thing??? Candy Woman to the rescue. Hey you could sell this idea to Warner Bros. Just remember your blogging buddies when you are famous.

7:30 AM  

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