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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mr. Morris

I realize that by doing this, I'm doing exactly what Mr. Morris is looking for. I'm drawing attention to his blog. But, I'm going to do this anyway.

Mr. Morris left the following comment on my other blog, the one I've been doing for fun.

Morris said...
Sounds boring.

All I have to say is, how very disrespectful can someone be. Apparently he has done this all over blog land, one other blogger had commented on my post as well, he had called her 'useless'. I believe in free speech and everything, but, let's have a little class and dignity.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh well said Sherri. Kudos to you. I'm all for freedom of speech too but there is a line which you should't cross. Some people don't get that!

5:17 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thanks Gareth, I appreciate the comment.

5:24 AM  
Blogger E-Speed said...

Thanks for stopping by Sherri. I agree, he left "clarification" on my blog but like you said calling someone useless is just classless.

Have a Happy Halloween!

9:21 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Wait a sec..."freedom of speech" and "crossing the line?"

He crossed the line of "personal respect" or just plain manners perhaps. Crossing the line is only when that freedom impedes on your rights, and Mr. Morris's harsh words did no such thing.

Morris has the right to make rude comments, just as much as you and the other blogger have the right to delete those comments. It's your blog and you'll do what you want to!

Personally, his words are lacking in class and dignity. Morris has gone to my blog and left "Awesome!" on there, but I believe he was being sarcastic.
So I went to his site and left the same exact message. I think I might have added a "Totally" before the "Awesome!" He's a grumpy old guy that has less cooth than Archie Bunker. There's a part of my dark sense of humor that likes that. It's all entertainment anyway.

To be honest, I think he's wrong and don't think your blog is boring at all. He's just trying to stir the pot.

10:48 AM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

What an ass...thats as bad as this guy who created a blogname with my friend's 2 year old daughter's name with the word "sucks" and posted on her blog...


12:20 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

seahag! You're back! It's good to see you again! Some people are just plain horrible, I agree.

phoenix, thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. Very thought provoking, and I think you are right on the money too. I did visit his blog as well, and left a comment of my own. 'I don't appreciate your unkind words.' He deleted it.

12:45 PM  

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