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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Personal Conflict

One of my husband's good friends works for the same company that I work for. I see him daily, we chit chat about various things for a few minutes here and there.

Here's the conflict. My position is in management. His is not. He is just an hourly employee. His manager had asked that everyone keep a keen eye on a few of her people, to keep them productive, she had seen a decline in the productive use of company time. He was one of the employees mentioned.

Which left me with a bad feeling. Sometimes it's hard to separate your personal life from your work life.


Blogger Unknown said...

Sherri yes I would mention it to him or if you don't want to mention it to him directly then ask Charlie to say something about it to him.
His manager is only trying to make herself look important. She probably wastes more time thinking about whose life she can make a misery next than the entire work force put together, hehe.
Anyways why did she ask you? Is it not HER job to look after those people 'under' her?!! She is just trying to pass the buck. You have enough to do!

12:25 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Tell me about it! LOL

I'm not exactly sure why she had brought it up. I wondered that myself.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think she might be trying to find a scape goat from this. I mean if she has to 'have a word' with someone about them 'wasting' time all she has to do is tell them that "Sherri told me that you were wasting time" and then it will look as if it was your fault that they are now in trouble with the wicked witch of the north, hehe. Just tell her to leave you out of this. It's HER responsibility.

12:56 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

I dislike conflicts at work. I suppose I would just keep that information to myself and not get involved and therefore thrust into the middle. A co-worker of mine just got fired from her lucrative job - I assume because of some missed work and tardiness. It was really sudden, and we are all shocked at her abrupt departure. I was thinking about writing her a personal note to let her know that although I don't know the circumstances, I will miss her. Then I wondered if this was wise - I could muck up the waters with upper management because she is so in the doghouse. Hmmm - upper management here is scary. You never know where you stand with hthem until you get a bonus or get fired.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

It's scary here too duff. I think it is perfectly acceptable to contact your coworker and let her know you will miss her. I would leave out absolutely anything that could be even the slightest bit work related though. While done with the best of intentions, that kind of stuff is easily twisted around and taken out of context. It could put you in the middle of a controversey.

I'm definitely not going to say a word to this guy. The last place I need to be is in the middle of some kind of dramatic scene. If I see him doing unproductive things, I may mention to him that he should get back to work, but, that's going to be the end of it. Nothing more.

1:40 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

yikes..thats a tuffie...i am friends with my assistant outside of work, and sometime i have to get on her case at work...tough, cuz she has seem me plowed and has been plowed with me as well...

i suggest talking over beers outside of work, and let him know the black and white...

"work gets in the way of all that does not suck" -Melissa the LBSEAHAG 1973-

3:49 PM  

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