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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, December 05, 2005

Bah! Humbug!

I hate to admit it, but, I'm a Grinch. I hate Christmas time. I cringe thinking about it every year. It's the time of year that anything that could possibly go wrong, does. A time of over crowded shopping malls and stores, parking spots so far away your destination is a dot on the horizon, a time when I continuously worry about being able to make everyone happy.

I've brought in a few more items for the Charity competition at work. We are killing the Elves with Attitude. So far the Polar Bears have just under 300 items under the tree. (Enough items that they have had to rope off our Christmas tree.) The Elves, I think they are still under 100. I can't wait to see how much we accumulate by the 15th. :D

As an added boost of inspiration, Jim has volunteered to give the troops a pep talk in his gold speedo. Either they bring in donations, or he will show up in the speedo. LOL

Side note: My home computer has decided not to work all of a sudden. I'll try to keep up with everyone's blogs as much as possible throughout the work day, but I won't be able to do any posting or reading at night. Which really sucks. Hopefully it'll be an easy fix for the tech guy, I guess I'll find out when I drop it off.


Blogger Read This said...

UUUggghhh. Computer problems. I am using a 1300 dollar laptop as a hard drive, and a cheapie monitor as I broke the crystal on the laptop and they want about 1300 bucks to fix it. It's kind of silly. Have fun at work.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Yes, it does stink mergrl! I've become addicted to using the computer between the hours of 9:00 and 11:00. It's my only free time.

'me - Ugh! That's quite a set up you got going on. LOL I'll try to have a little fun, not too much, I am at work after all. :)

10:06 AM  

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