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Friday, May 27, 2005

The Porn Star

I was just in the lunch room getting a pop and a pop tart when 'The Porn Star' walked in. I laughed a little when Sandy had told me before that she called her that, but, I thought, she's probably just jealous. I do have to say, there is definitely the aura of 'porn star' surrounding her. She's not really all that attractive, and she isn't young anymore, but, she has the look.

Dyed platinum hair, about shoulder length, fried on the ends from years of abuse. Thick orange looking pancake makeup. Heavily made up eyes with thick black liner all around the lashes. Starved to a wrack of bones, wearing skin tight jeans and t-shirt. Perfume that you can smell from across the room.

I stood right behind her waiting in line to get my Dew. I couldn't help but think, why on earth would someone want to look like that? It looks trashy and cheap.


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