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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Work was insane today!

I can't believe how insane it was at work today. Every 5 minutes an issue appeared out of nowhere. First articles, criticals, customer requirements, angry planners, crabby purchasers, and let's not forget a bossy SQE.

I had the closing meeting for my internal audit today. It went beautifully. I was so pleased. No corrective actions issued to me. The only one issued was to Ed for not having his deviations updated within the allotted time. Sandy was pleased as well.

Judy tried her best to get me to tell her who else had applied for the position I had posted. She makes me so irritated sometimes. Too nosy.

Dave is starting to exhibit some extremely bossy tendencies. I would like to just kick his ass today. I have enough work to do without doing his work as well. I also asked him like last week if he would show me how to run the supplier rating list for the information board. He said he would find out from Dave A. and let me know. Never happened! So, I went to Dave A. myself. I'll show him. :P He's definitely someone who wants to keep info to himself for fear of losing self importance. One of my biggest pet peeves!! Oh, get this, I opened an email in front of him, and he literally stepped in and read it from top to bottom. Another one of my biggest pet peeves!! I considered poking his eyes out, and then decided I didn't want to spend the next few decades in jail.


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