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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Lasagna for breakfast?

Yes, it was another rum and coke weekend, and I am up and about with quite a head ache. Thank God for the quiet time I get before the kids wake up. Just enough time to drink a gallon of water and down a couple of tylenol.

Funny thing is, I never eat first thing in the morning. In fact, when I do, I get a little sick to my stomach. Today, however, it was hunger pains that woke me up. I literally had to get up and get something to eat. My first choice? A piece of left over lasagna from yesterday afternoon. Yummy!

Last night we sat around the bon fire at Rusty's. I was talking to Rick, and he and Krista are still separated. I was extremely uncomfortable at one point. He started talking to me about how he wasn't looking for anyone at the moment, but he wouldn't mind getting an easy piece of you know what now and then. I honestly didn't know what to say. I just told him he had better be careful the easy ones always come with strings attached. In my mind I'm thinking disease, pregnancy, husbands! LOL

So, of course, I had another weird dream last night. Probably rum induced. I had a dream that Rick and I had an affair, and Charlie found out about it, and he and Rusty were going to beat the crap out of Rick. I don't remember any of the juicy details of the dream, damn it! The only part I can remember is the part where Charlie and Rusty are banging on a door, and I'm trying to keep them out. In my mind I knew it was because of the affair.


Blogger Bobby said...

I hardly ever remember the juicy parts of dreams, just the lead into and afterwards parts.

It's like my brain censors the good parts, it's sad.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Don't you just hate that!

9:24 AM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

I am the same way...the worst is when you are disappointed the next day...
I had a dream I was hooked up with Noah Wiley...the next day, I almost felt like I could call him...

7:29 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

LOL! I would be disappointed too, Noah Wiley? He's quite the hottie.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

really, I seem to be fine with rum. Just your usual happy drunk here. LOL

8:56 PM  

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