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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, September 26, 2005

Woman kills husband, news at 11:00

I have just gotten off the phone with my beloved mother-in-law. Apparently my husband had made plans to go pick up her truck and drive it out to the sap house tonight. He didn't show up at her house. Needless to say, he did not come home from work today, and I had no idea he had made any plans at all. So, she is pissed off at ME.

What's wrong with this picture?? I had no part in this scenario at all, other then being the one who was home when she called. He just makes me so angry! To top it off, he leaves for his hunting trip on Thursday, which means, I'm going to be not on speaking terms with him until after he gets back from Garden Island.

I do not appreciate being chastised on the phone by his mother. Besides, who is she to condemn me for the actions of her offspring? I felt like saying perhaps she should have raised him a little better, maybe then I wouldn't need to pick up his slack all the time. I was tempted, but I held my tongue.

I have decided to lock all the doors in the house. He doesn't have any house keys. :D

From Bad to Worse: My beloved mother-in-law just STOPPED in! Apparently she was talking to me on the cell phone. Was it not enough that she ruined my evening, but she had to stop in and pour some salt on the wound as well??

New Headline:

Woman strangles mother-in-law in murderous rage after killing husband, news at 11:00


Blogger LBseahag said...

Uh oh...better get that new mattress quick!!!!

and the lazy susan...u will need it for carrot sticks and dip at the funeral reception!

12:57 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...


Definitely need to get that lazy susan, if I'm lucky, it still has the spam on it!

6:51 AM  

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