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Sunday, September 25, 2005

To smoke, or not to smoke........

This is the newly completed smoking hut for those fellow employees that are smokers. I don't actually smoke or anything, but that new law they passed here in Gaylord is just so wrong. Look at this thing, it's not even 2 parking spaces big. Posted by Picasa


Blogger SD27 said...

They should really just pass out smoking helmets to all the smokers.
For those of us that don't know, a smoking helmet looks like the helmet from a space suit. It's design is such that all the smoke stays within two inches of the smokers head. Smoking could occur in any location without offending anyone.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Good idea!!

If you want to smoke, you could remain in your own personal smoke cloud. LOL

9:08 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Yeah, the new ordinance does go too far (another nonsmoker saying it). They passed the same one here is Emmet county, too, I think. (There was a joint ordinance passed in Emmet, Otsego, Antrim, and Charlevoix counties. I'm having deja vu as I write this, though. Seems like you told me that Gaylord passed additional ordinances.)

Your company really ought to add a couple a picnic tables under that shelter. Don't get me wrong. It's really nice that Reptron has built a shelter (my company wouldn't spend the dough; thus, smokers huddled outside in the wind all last winter), but a place to sit would be just the thing.

10:42 AM  

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