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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Work Place Arch Enemy

I have had a work place enemy for about 5 years now. She has not liked me since I took her position in the RMA center. (The position she left by choice because it was too difficult for her.) She has hated me ever since because I took it on, I excelled at it, and made her look terrible by doing so.

Anyway, it is now 5 years later, and I work in a totally different position with the company now. She has not let go of that animosity. She has now gone back to that position in the RMA center, and has a huge chip on her shoulder. She absolutely tries to make me look bad at every opportunity she has.

Last night in the production managers meeting her only concern was the fact that we had the dock doors open in receiving. She was trying to stir the pot. I think she was of the opinion that I did not have permission to have the doors open. I can say one thing for myself, I ALWAYS go by the book. I request permission when it is needed, and I don't bend the rules unless I have an absolute good reason. So Mark immediately defended the open doors and told her point blank that the smell of the dumpster trumped the security issues with open doors. She was not satisfied. She then went on to complain about how hot it was in the shop. Didn't open doors defeat the purpose of air conditioners. Mark shot her down again. He told her that everyone has something to gripe about, they can't have everything. It was either the entire receiving team mutinied, or the back end of the building got a little warm. He said he made the right decision and that was it. She just sat there. Joe started talking about how rank the dumpster was. She ended up looking like an idiot.



Blogger Jay Noel said...

Funny how so many adults never grow up. When people are like that, there's no need to plot against them or whatever.
Seems like she's pretty good and shooting herself in the foot all on her own.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I totally agree Phoenix.

8:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I get the feeling she has never received a Christmas card from you!

And for the record you are right ..... those dock doors need to remain open! Otherwise how am I going to be able to see the lovely females that work there, geesh?!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Definitely no Christmas cards!!

Yes, lovely we are. :D We prefer to be called receiving inspection goddesses.

10:29 AM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

That bitch!
For a second I thought this one chick I work with was moonlighting...
petty bitch....

2:31 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I have to say, it pissed me right off when she did that! At the end of the meeting we always do a round table to discuss everyone's issues. Backfired on her big time. The harder she tries to make she looks bad, the worse she ends up looking. I'm positive that she will never give up.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I totally blew that one! LOL

'The harder she tries to make me look bad, the worse she ends up looking.'

3:34 PM  

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