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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, December 05, 2005

6 Things that shocked me today

  1. Helen telling me she has 3 boyfriends! Sweet little 65 year old widowed Helen has 3 boyfriends!! "I don't flirt with them" she says..... LOL!
  2. I have seen pictures of Dave dressed as Little Red Riding Hood with my own eyes! Absolutely hilarious. Cute shoes too! FYI - he admitted he wears a women's size 10 shoe. Hmmm.......
  3. Julie asking the engineer about his Viagra pen. I stood motionless during the whole thing. Apparently, he has no idea how he ended up with the pen. (incredulous laughter now)
  4. The amazing absorbency powers of cheepo Kleenexes. The engineer was a bit flustered after the pen incident, spilling his coffee everywhere.
  5. The sight of Mr. Brownstar's butt crack when he bent down to pick up something from the floor. Yikes!
  6. It is impossible to buy a single stamp at my post office.


Blogger Crazy Me said...

Butt crack? Ohhhhh noooooo!

11:54 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

a 65 year old woman with 3 boyfriends?
now that she knows about the pen, you can plan on that adding some drama!
at least i hope so!

1:37 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

We can only hope seahag! :D

9:17 AM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Hi Sherri,

Haven't been out in a while - just wanted to say hi. I love your polls - and your lists. The 65 yr old widow sounds interesting - to each his/her own I guess.

Is it cold enough for you yet?
brrrrr - looks too cold on the weather channel.

11:16 AM  

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