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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What has gotten into that kid?

I have an 11 year old that thinks he is 45, I swear to God. Whatever happened to the days where the parent told the kids what to do and they did what they were asked? Apparently, those days are long past.

I'm sure it is mostly my own doing, but my son literally thinks he can come and do as he pleases. Chores?? Surely, you jest. When I have finally forced him to take out the trash he hides it around the corner of the house. How did I raise such a lazy kid?? I ask myself that all the time.

Zachary had intermurals today, he was to stay after school and participate with whatever the heck kind of sport they were going to do. So, like a good mom, I left work and drove to the school, waiting in the parking lot for him. I waited and waited, he never appeared. After almost all of the parents had picked their kids up and left I headed into the school to see if he was inside. No sign of him. By now I was furious. The little snot went home on the bus and not once did he try to call me to tell me he was not at the school.

An hour later, after I had picked Thomas up from daycare, I finally made it home to find Zach outside riding his bike. He 'forgot' he was supposed to stay after school. This is the kid that can remember that 2 months earlier I mentioned I might like to rent a certain movie at the movie store but he can't remember 6 hours ago I told him not to ride the bus home to stay after school. I wanted to kill him.

I ended up sending him to his room. He knew exactly what he had done, in fact, he smiled when he told me he 'forgot'. I literally wanted to just kick his cocky little pain in the ass butt!

How in the heck could he have changed so drastically in such a short period of time? I don't think I'm going to make it through the teen years alive!


Blogger Jay Noel said...

Just as it was when he was 3 or 4, the kid's job is to push the boundaries...and it's our job as parents to show them where they are.

At 11, he's in a second phase of this...and it's going to get worse before it gets better.

The only thing you can do is to be consistent. I know that sounds so cliche, but you'd be surprised how many parents are inconsistent with discipline. Make it uniform, stick to your guns, and make sure there are consequences.

Kids at 11 and 12 want to see how far they can push, and see how easily their parents will crack. No bending the rules, no modifying them, no creating "an out" for them at any time. For example, he needs to take the trash out. If he does well on a math test, his reward will not be not having to take the trash out. He can gain something as a reward, but his tasks should always remain his tasks.

I think us fathers are the worst at bending the rules. Make sure Dad is on the same page.

That's about all I can tell you...coming from an ex-teacher.

9:13 PM  
Blogger W. C. Jack said...

If what Phoenix says doesn't work, you can try dipping him in boiling oil.



9:09 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

I have a 10 & an 11 and they are like night and day! My dear son, 11 years old and lazier than a sloth. He is sweet and charming and he thinks that is all he needs to be. In fact he wanted to be a model when he grows up because he thought they just layed around looking pretty all day!!! Sometimes I just want to poke him in the eye.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, the tough part really is getting Charlie to follow through with the discipline the same way I do. He is such a softie, he gives in all the time. It makes it really tough for me, I have to always be the bad guy.

jack, I will keep the boiling oil idea in mind. :D

big mamma, LOL!! A model! That's a good one.

10:16 AM  

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