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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

And the award for scum mom of the century goes too.....

Sherri Sanders, for her inability to chew gum and pick her son up from school at the same time.

Scene: I am sitting at my daycare ladies house, writing out a check.

Me: Do you know what the date is today?

Kathy: Um, Tuesday, the 21st.

Me: Oh My God!! I was supposed to pick Zach up at 4:00! What time is it??

Kathy: {looking at me with raised eyebrows} 4:15

Me: {panicking} Oh My God! I've gotta go!

Speeding away from Kathy's house, I curse myself for forgetting, again! Poor kid, he might develop a complex over this. Pulling into the parking lot at the school, I see Zach waiting for me at the door.

Me: Hey, kid, guess what I did....

Zach: You forgot and picked Thomas up first again. Mrs. Wright wants us to wait until she sees you.

Me: {horribly embarrassed} Ok, did she say why?

Zach: She just wants to make sure I don't leave with a stranger.

A burgundy car pulls up and parks next to me. It's Zach's switch teacher, Mrs. Wright.

Me: Hi there... {getting out of Jeep} sorry I'm late. I totally spaced out the intermurials.

Mrs. Wright: No problem, I've been there myself.

Me: Thanks for staying with Zach, I appreciate it. {Zach and Thomas are now out of the Jeep, standing next to me.}

Cell phone rings, 2 weeks ago Julie and I were having fun and downloaded 'Afternoon Delight' as my ring. Mrs. Wright gives me an odd look as she hears it go off. Glancing down, I see that it is Kathy.

Me: Hello

Kathy: Did you forget something? {laughter}

Me: I don't think so

Kathy: Well, on your way back through, you may want to pick up your purse.

Me: Oh my God, I forgot my purse!

Thomas: Oh crap, damn it.

Ready to crawl into a hole and die, I throw my hands up in the air and laugh. "This has been a bad day" I say, thankfully, Mrs. Wright laughs with me. Yikes!


Blogger Jessica said...

Your three year old has quite the mouth! Gotta love it!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I thought I was going to die! Thank God, at the moment, it can be laughed off as cute!!!

I decided right then and there no more swearing on my part.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

You said that the last time he shouted "God dammit!" in the store. :)

6:35 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Oh, you would have to bring that up!! LOL!!!

I swear, this time I'm sticking to it.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Notice how you're swearing to stop swearing... Is that irony?

6:40 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...


Quick sand all around me, no help in sight!

You just wait until Kidney Bean get's to be his age. :D

6:44 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

You have brought back some unpleasant memories of me, arriving about 1/2 hour late to pick up my kid at school - the empty parking lot and school-front glaring accusingly at the horrible Mom as she pulls up to the lone child huddled on the steps...

Been there...

8:28 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

LOL!!! OMG! Thomas is so funny {glad he's yours...*heehee*} My son at 2yrs called some lady a "puta" which is Spanish for bitch, ummm thanks hun! LOL!!! Just have to admit I think all of us moms and/or dads have been there done that!
You are so totally NOT scum-mom. That award goes to this person:

See, I told you that you are just normal.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

So you were late AND your little one swears in front of your other son's teacher.


Hey - at least you don't beat them.

Do you?

10:15 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, no, something I've never done is beaten my children. I just don't know how someone could do something like that to a child, it's horrible.

big mama, I couldn't finish reading that article. It was terrible. Those people should be forced to suffer the same tortures they put upon those kids. In my opinion, that's how all convicted child abusers should be punished.

terry, I get overwhelmed sometimes. I have a million and one things to do in a day, lately I haven't been able to keep it all straight, like today. Sometimes I wish I could just get a break from everything.

11:43 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

The kids will be fine. No complexes over being late. I explain to my older ones that if I forget something related to picking them up, and I don't forget the little one, it's because little ones need my protection more, and I know that you are safe as you are very smart and can handle yourself...(all true, but they eat that stuff up.)

8:45 AM  
Blogger Jillian said...

LOL Ohhhh Thomas ha ha - well you know a child's mind is like a sponge Sherri, a sponge ha ha. :-)

Remember that for next time. ;-)

12:08 AM  

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