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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It could be worse, but it could be a whole lot better

My unwanted house guest is still at my house. The boss went home on Sunday, but the unwanted house guest called his wife and said he was staying until tomorrow. He apparently feels that he needs to help Charlie out at the sap house. Good grief! It's not even time to start the maple syrup thing. We've got a good week before the weather is right.

So this morning, while I was getting ready for work, Charlie comes in the bathroom and shuts the door. He looks at me and just shakes his head. Our unwanted house guest has decided that, because we've gotten a couple of inches of snow last night, he's going to stay a couple more days. Charlie has been an absolute fricking ass the past couple of days because of our house guest. It's not fair for him to take out his frustrations on me. He's not my friend, I didn't invite him to stay with us, I can't help it he doesn't have the balls to tell him to leave. I don't even want to go home anymore. A person's home is supposed to be their safe haven, my home has become a hell.

I'm going to end up blowing up. I've done it before. Mary is surprised I haven't blown up yet. I think I've just given up. Have you ever gotten to that point where you just absolutely give up?? Its a sad feeling, actually, when you realize you've just given completely up. I'm also still not feeling well. I've had this sinus thing going on, and I'm totally miserable. This morning I noticed a sore spot in my arm pit, it's like a swollen lump. I have no idea what the heck is going on. I'm a little freaked out by it. Ugh!!


Blogger Read This said...

I hope your medical problems heal up, the world is a better place with you in it. I thought I would stop by, tell you I retired my blog. It was boring me, but I will still stop by to see how my fellow Michigander is doing...

9:14 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thomas, I'll be fine, I'm sure. I'm glad you stopped by, I will miss your unique observations into the world.

9:25 AM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Aren't there lymph nodes in your armpits? Could be sign of a little infection in yer system. Nothing to worry about, just get better. Rest. You need rest.


9:36 AM  
Blogger W. C. Jack said...

Usefull piece of info about WCJ #1:
Ken can hit a moving target with his deer rifle at 300 yrds.

Anyway... I hope things brighten up for you... By this weekend you should be rid of the pest... I mean guest anyway!!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Vodka Absolut said...

Wow. That's all I can say. I can't believe he's just inviting himself to stay longer!

I would tell him where to shove it and to get the heck out of your house.

I hope you feel better...

10:09 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Do you reckon the swelling is just due to the need to blow up? I try not to keep things in. It's bad for digestion.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

damasta, there are lymph nodes in the armpits. I've been battling a sinus infection for a couple of days, so I'm hoping it's all related to that.

jack, so, when did you say you and your deer rifle were coming up for a visit?? LOL

vodka, this isn't the first time he's done this, either. Once he's here, you just can't get rid of him. Another thing he's a pest at, he'll call you on the phone constantly. Drives me insane!!!!!

fuzzbox, that reminds me of the simpsons episode where homer gets all those bumps all over the place because he hadn't been blowing up at bart. It could very well be, that's also probably why I'm still sick.

11:18 AM  
Blogger W. C. Jack said...

What did you say you were making me for dinner?

11:21 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I've got chili cooking in the crock pot. :D

11:37 AM  
Blogger W. C. Jack said...

I'm cleaning the 30:06 and focusing the scope.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

When hiding the bodies in large lakes, use three times to body weight to keep them submerged...

DW = W3


2:21 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

you totally need to give unwanted house guest this number- 800.221.2222

Choice Hotels Reservations.

10:14 PM  

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