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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And The Day Begins

I didn't sleep well last night, in fact, if I'm lucky, I got about 3 hours of sleep. My throat was so sore, and my sinuses just hurt so bad. I hate it when I'm not feeling well.

Then Charlie tells me one of his friends is coming up to stay with us this weekend, probably through the week. I hate this guy!! I hate even thinking about this guy!! I don't want him anywhere near my house. He shows up whenever he feels like it and absolutely takes over when he's here. The last time he was here he said to me "This is Charlie's house, not yours, quit your bitching." I absolutely lost it. I yelled at him. 'Hmmmm..... that's funny. The last time I looked, my name was on the deed. Oddly enough, I didn't see yours there. I suggest you be careful what you say, or, this may be your last trip up here.' I'm embarrassed to admit, but I am an ungratious host when he is staying with us. I just wish to God Charlie would tell this guy he is unwelcome. He comments about how I never cook, and when I do cook it's not edible, and he is so fricking nosy. I know he goes through our stuff when we're at work.

So, I get ready for work, and the kids and I pile into the jeep to head for daycare. I put it in gear and begin to back up. Almost immediately I hear a dog yelp, I had backed up about 3 feet. I see Charlie's head pop out the utility room door, he's waving and yelling at me to leave, to just go to work. Zach is almost out of the jeep already, I have my window down, watching Rufus limp into the utility room. I ran over my own dog! He was laying behind my jeep and I ran him over. Zach is so upset with me. I have no idea how hurt he is, or if Charlie is going to shoot him. This is just terrible.

And, to top it off, I have a sore on my tongue from eating cough drops. Joe told me it's called a canker sore. Now, how gross it that! I prefer to call it an infected taste bud, it just sounds better.

Hope everyone out there is having a much better start to their day then I.


Blogger DaMasta said...


Sorry.. that was just shocking to read.. I'm so sorry about your dog, I hope he's not hurt too bad.


10:55 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

damasta, that's one of the things about living where I live in small town america. A person euthonizing their own animal does happen.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Oh, no! Sherri, that's terrible. And Samantha still asks when I'm going to take her to visit Diogee. (I always tell her his name is Rufus now, but she always "forgets.")

Did you leave off your unwelcome guest's name for a reason? B/c I think I can guess who it is.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Why don't you just take a few days away... I could sugjest a place in southern West Virginia you could visit for a few days...



11:06 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I hope the dog didn't get hurt too bad. And I hope you get to feeling better. Having rude guests over make all other problems even worse. I hope his stay is a short one.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jessica, I didn't go home for lunch, I will be sure to post something about rufus. Poor samantha, she'll be so upset.

ranger tom, so, what type of accomodations are we talking here?? LOL

fuzzbox, I hope it's a short one too. He's obnoxious.

1:04 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

I'm so sorry this day is worse than a Monday. SO AWFUL about your doggie - I remember you posting pics of him with the boys. Hope he is okay.

I think you need to move out to a luxurious hotel room during your "guest's" stay - let them fend for themselves.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

I am so sorry, that totally sucks! Oh and as far as the boneheaded nimrod (BN for short) goes, I too suggest you go on vacation. Our doors are open here in Savannah, GA. Weather is great and the company is pretty good too!

8:56 PM  

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