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Monday, November 24, 2008

The Perils of Being a Daughter-in-Law

  • I've tried recently to have a better relationship with Janet. I think the harder I try, the more estranged the relationship gets. Two weeks ago I called Janet and asked her if she wanted some company for the day. To my embarrassment she told me to save my gas and not worry about driving all the way down to her house. I want to believe she was just thinking economically, but, I have my doubts. It is moments like these that reaffirm my belief that I wasn't destined to ever be considered 'good enough' for her.
  • Being a daughter-in-law gives the mother-in-law all rights to be an indian giver. Making a special trip about a month ago, Janet drops by the house to give me a cabinet she had offered me on our last visit. A cabinet, I might add, that I actually liked and really wanted. Just this past Saturday she apparently asked Charlie for the cabinet back so she could give it to her daughter. I suppose a natural child will always come before one who has merely married into the family. I was glad to hear Charlie told her no.
  • A mother-in-law never has anything good to say to a daughter-in-law. The phone is in a weird place even though it's sitting on a desk in the kitchen mere feet from the phone jack. It is unnecessary to bring anything to Thanksgiving dinner even though everyone else is, perhaps I might poison everyone with my terrible cooking. My children are spoiled just because I choose to give them love and attention on their birthday by actually picking out a present rather than handing them a $10 bill and a balloon. How does a 6 year old get any fun out of a piece of paper?
  • Everything bad that ever happens will always be the daughter-in-law's fault. Whether it's the son's alcoholism or his outlandish behavior, it's always the fault of the daughter-in-law. Perhaps if I kept him in check, kept him under mythumb, totally dominated his entire life....... I hate to say it, but, perhaps it is the son that is the cause of his behavior. Perhaps the daughter-in-law does her best with what she has to work with and the son should be responsible for his own behavior. After all, he is a big boy now, I can't help it he didn't turn out the way she wanted him to.
  • I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to stop trying. If she can't accept me because of my past then I need to keep my distance from her. It's hard for me to begin with, it gets even harder when I'm not treated well. I already feel guilt and low self esteem, I don't really need to be constantly reminded by her.


Blogger Kingcover said...

I can loan you a two bore pump action shotgun if you like??? ;-)


7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so relate to your situation. I'd love to e-mail you a very unusual situation with my own in-law family. Quite extraordinary.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jay, I'd love to hear your unusual in-law story.

8:32 AM  

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