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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Top Ten Most Irritating Office Peeves

10. Your only pen, the pen you had to borrow just this morning because your other pen was stolen off your desk, has been stolen off your desk while you were at the printer.

9. You hear your phone begin to ring just as your leaving your desk. You rush to pick it up just in time to hear someone say "oh, I'm sorry Sherri, I dialed the wrong number. He He He"

8. You open an email while speaking with a coworker only to have the coworker totally stop in mid sentence so they can read your email.

7. The person sitting on the other side of your cubicle wall pages you to call their extension.

6. Answering the page to report to a certain destination, only to find out the person who paged you there is not there/can't remember why they paged you.

5. Hearing the words "Have you got a minute?" One of these days, I may just say, 'nope, I ran out of minutes just before you got here'.

4. Trivial, mind numbing filler conversation.

3. The neverending, love to hear myself speak, 5 minute speech to say 'you can use these parts'.

2. The acronym FYI.

1. Chainletters!!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!!!


Blogger Big O said...

I'm with you on 2 and 5 but I probably haven't spent enough time in offices yet to get the rest of them.

4:02 PM  

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