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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Black Rice

Elizabeth has just about had a coronary. The woman keeps food everywhere. In her file cabinet, on her work station, under her desk, and she is absolutely shocked that she found a pile of mouse poop on her desk next to her cereal. LOL I'm shocked that we didn't find anything sooner!

So far we have been able to track the mouse's path. A trail of cereal leads from the baggy on her desk under her monitor, off the edge of the desk, and under the cubicle wall. Joe has no idea yet. I'm thinking about not telling him and waiting to see if he finds any black rice of his own.

I have to say, I was pretty grossed out about it myself. She is still over there scouring everything. So funny!!

Interesting side note: The pinky ring guy is in house for 2 weeks. I have to know, what's up with the pinky rings???? As far as I can see, that trend played out 15 years ago. Has it made a come back that I'm just not aware of? Am I losing my sense of style?


Blogger Unknown said...

LOL maybe the mouse is Elizabeth's replacement, LMAO.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Hmmmm...... It's a possibility. LOL

12:16 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Pinky rings were all the rage among the English aristocracy two hundred years ago.

As for the mouse, I was watching a Discovery-channel show about exterminators, and the guy said that mice have no control over their bladders. Apparently, they sprinkle urine wherever they walk! Ugh.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

That is so nasty!! Scratch the mouse inspector! Yuck!

1:37 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

Pinky rings went out with Andrew Dice Clay...

Feed him some black-rice-a-roni..

be careful, T. Leach said there are plagued rats in NJ...they travel fast!!!

11:16 PM  

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