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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Production Managers Meeting

Yet another super productive production managers meeting. If anyone knew how little time spent in that meeting actually dealt with production issues the floor would be outraged.

10 Things we Discussed Today
  1. DS (bean bag) donating her hair to locks for love. RB openly stated he would rather be bald then wear her hair.
  2. JC and his childhood Saturday mornings poking drunks with sticks in the inner city.
  3. The possibilities of 4'9 73 year old Elizabeth being a basket ball superstar when she was a kid in school.
  4. Snow. Joe's theory that we're going to have a tough winter because of the hot summer. Keith's theory that he hasn't seen as many acorns this year so we won't have a tough winter. My theory that I haven't gotten anything winterized and prepared yet, so it's almost inevitable that we'll get nailed.
  5. Robert's 'Whoop Ass' shirt. It takes a certain kind of man to be able to pull that shirt off, he doesn't exactly fit the bill.
  6. Ed and his admittance that he has 6 bags of dog hair in his garage. The standing question, just why exactly is he saving 6 bags of dog hair??? Our theory, Locks for Love. LOL
  7. If we get another 3% raise we may just be able to afford to buy toilet paper again.
  8. A possible cage fight between 2 rivaling floor people. Winner takes home the toilet paper.
  9. A rousing discussion of paper vs plastic.
  10. A unanimous vote that we all stay in the Huron room and never come back out.


Blogger LBseahag said...

That is hilarious!!!!

I wish my meetings were like that...are you hiring? I have a lot to bring to the board table....

but I won't cut my hair or shave my cat!

10:10 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

The only prerequisite we have is that you be willing to participate in our 'Production Managers Gone Wild' documentary! LOL!!

Stories of past childhood experiences are a plus! :D

11:21 AM  

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