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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, October 14, 2005

10 Things I wanted to do today, but didn't

  1. Mess up Jim's wrap around comb over.
  2. Finish the first article I was working on for the RoHS components.
  3. Call in sick.
  4. Poke Keith in the eye with my pin gage.
  5. Tell Spicegirl that she looks like she just crawled out of bed and came to work. The old ratty sweatpants are a dead give away.
  6. Drink margaritas for lunch.
  7. Fly to a tropical paradise and bask in the sun for a few hours.
  8. Take my jeep through the car wash.
  9. Give Alfreda the evil eye.
  10. Hop on Dianna's Amigo and cruise around the shop for a few hours.

Funny Story - I was once run over by Dianna on her Amigo when she first got it. I was on my way out of the bathroom and wham! She literally left tread marks on the tops of my feet. Because I was left limping I had to fill out an accident report with the HR department. Under 'cause of incident' I put "struck by an Amigo".


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