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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Who is on the cover of this weeks Unpopular Weekly?

Why, it's the talented Mrs. Sherri Sanders!

This weeks cover model comes to us from the lovely electronics manufacturing plant where she is now hated by all of her peers. (The ones who did not go to the potluck, that is.)

The topic of every conversation all morning, she is absolutely glowing with delight. Such hard work and sacrifice deserves recognition. Thank you Sherri for giving your coworkers something new to bitch and complain about!

Joe pulled me aside this morning to ask me about the confrontation with Alfreda. I knew something was up when he asked me if I would meet him in the smoking hut. Ugh! Alfreda had confronted him the minute he got here today. I think he was absolutely up in arms, and to top it off, Maxine didn't show up for work because of it.

Ruthie also made a big issue out of it in the bull pen. Apparently she feels that I invited all of quality and left them out. Untrue!!! A big enough issue that everyone heard about it. All I can say is, it was Elizabeth's luncheon, she enjoyed the hell out of it, that's all that mattered.


Blogger Jessica said...

You should wear a Bitch nametag to work to show them you don't give a rat's ass what they think.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I like your idea!

11:08 AM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

Geez...I hate office politics! this girl needs to spend time working instead of whining...

Right now at my office, there is a battle of the sluts going girl is mad that another doesnt get in trouble for dressing like a ho, so now she is...

i think the sequined bra is contagious!

12:40 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

LOL! I'll bet it is seahag. Today's spice girl outfit of choice, the polyester pants suit (black) with the sheer fushia scarf. Now, how is that for eye catching??

1:38 PM  

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