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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm having a tough time

It's been a really really tough week for me. My nerves are shot and I'm about to go insane. My job has gotten the better of me.

I'm just so stressed out. I'm trying really hard, but I feel like I can't get my head above water. I have planners on my ass all day. First Articles, parts in NCM, stuff due to be received that hasn't made it through the door but they've gotta have it. It's gotten so bad that Dave has become my ally. Can you believe that?? I am receiving help from Dave. AAAAAH!!!!!

I don't know how things could have changed so drastically overnight. I barely even have anything in inspection. But, it's like everything is red hot before it even hits the door. I have to got to do some research. Something is different with the way this stuff is being expedited. It's just to hectic.

Mr. Brown Star is very upset with me. The only applicant for my vacant position is one of his people. I had to take her, she was more then qualified for the position. He acts like I have totally decimated his line. Power hungry, pure and simple. I've taken a piece of his empire.

Charlie has not been home at all this week. I'm about ready to just fricken go insane. I put up with crap all day at work. Petty gripes and complaints and bitching and the only thing I want is to be able to get home and forget all that stuff. But, I get home and I've got my kids driving me insane too. Zach hitting Thomas and Thomas getting into stuff and the stupid phone ringing and it's Charlie's mom.

And I could just sit down and cry right at this very moment. I can't take anymore, and if it wasn't for this blog I probably would be sitting in the bathroom with the door locked crying because I just don't feel like I can take any more at this particular moment in time.

Zach hit Thomas in the face with a pop bottle and gave him a bloody nose. I totally lost it. I grabbed the bottle, threw it across the room, and screamed at Zach to go up to his room.

So, here I am. I had to step back from that situation before I became someone I would never ever respect ever again. My every last button has been pushed, there is nothing left. And I have no idea where Charlie even is. Why can't he understand that I need help, that I'm completely drowning.

Or does he see it, and not really care.


Blogger tsduff said...

I know what you mean, not having the little man around when you need have my sympathy. Your story about the cologne man making your eyes sting completely had me rolling in laughter - sympathetic laughter you understand. Only an hour before the kids are in bed and you can grab some sanity back. All I can say is tomorrow is Friday, and this improves any outlook. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow... you're only a day away. Okay, you can slap me now.

7:57 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

{{{{{{{{Sherri}}}}}}}}}} (with big furry paws)

love, Jinxy

10:40 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Thanks Jinxy! I needed that.

Yes, tsduff, TGIF!!!!!!!!

7:52 AM  

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