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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, October 01, 2005

What was I thinking?

I just watched the encore show of 'Invasion'. Freaked the heck out of me. I don't know why I did that to myself. When I was a kid, I was absolutely terrified of aliens. I had nightmares about them all the time.

It's just Thomas and I tonight. Zachary is staying the night at Tony's house. Now that I'm all freaked out, I know I'm going to have a hard time sleeping.

So far, I believe that the skeleton that was in the trunk of the car is the skeleton of the woman doctor. I think whatever it was that she dug out of that guy's skull would have ended up as a spike similar to the ones on the skeleton in the trunk. I have to wonder, where in the heck did her husband get the wedding band if her ex-husband found her real wedding band in the trunk of the car??


Blogger Bobby said...

we've been watching this as well. not sure what is going on exactly, but interesting.

9:50 AM  

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