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Sunday, December 18, 2005

I wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer

When I was 9 years old I desperately wanted to grow up to become a Solid Gold Dancer. As I was commenting on lbseahag's blog this memory suddenly popped into clarity in my mind.

My younger brother, my best friend from down the road, and I were all sitting on the floor in front of our console TV watching Solid Gold. I was wearing a shiny, gold colored, dress that had been a Halloween costume. I always wore that dress when I watched Solid Gold. Shemiah was wearing a very flashy silver colored pants suit and my brother was wearing a pair of checkered shorts and a yellow and green tank top. As usual, during the commercial breaks, we would all try like crazy to imitate the dance moves and perform the acrobatic flips the dancers would so easily maneuver on stage.

On this particular day, the dancers had dazzled our eye with a neat little trick where one dancer would bend at the waist and put their hands though their legs, and an accompanying dancer would grab the hands and flip the dancer over. Completely positive that this would be the trick of all tricks, I bend down and reach through so Shemiah could grab my hands and expertly flip me to my feet.

1 twisted ankle, 1 rug burned spine, and 1 head injury later we decided that was the end of our Solid Gold Dancing career.


Blogger LBseahag said...

HAAAAA!!! Sweet!
I loved the little headbands the girls would wear with their short hair...where it was curly on top...

I especially loved when they danced to Atlantic Star's Secret Lovers and Sheen Easton's For Your Eyes Only....

They just don't make pop music with that much soul and passion anymore...

Thank you for this trip down memory lane, Sherri!

4:42 PM  
Blogger Trée said...

Solid Gold. Mmm, well that fits with your desire for carats Ms Snowbunny. :-)

5:49 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

So true seahag! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. :D

Very clever use of the word 'carat' Treé. LOL

5:59 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

Was it Danny Terrio that was the host of that show? Is that right, for some reason his name sticks out in my memory...which is really quite frightening...haha.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Jillian said...

Errmmm...Am I too young to say "I've never heard of that show"? Because I haven't. :-)

Sounds like fun though - Gold outfits and dancing sounds kind of cold actually - but whatever works when you are young, right? :-)

9:33 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

OMG!!! I so wanted to be on that show! That and Star Search where I would win at singing and spokesmodel!

12:14 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I wanted to be Vinny Babarino...

6:32 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Thomas, Danny Terrio was the host of Dance Fever. I found this site this morning ( it's the 'official Solid Gold fan site'. LOL

jillian, you're definitely too young. You missed out on some real fun though! LOL :D

Angela, I totally forgot about Star Search!

ranger tom, I was absolutely in love with Vinnie Babarino. LOL

9:06 AM  

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