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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's 11:46, I'm wide awake....

and not feeling well.

I had a very bad headache all day today, now it has turned into muscle ache and upset stomach. I'm pretty sure I have finally come down with whatever it was that Thomas had last week. This really sucks. I really hate to throw up.

And, there is absolutely nothing on TV. I happen to be unfortunate enough to live far enough out of town that I can't get cable TV so I only get 3 TV stations, all of which are currently running those stupid talk-show infomercials.

For God's sake, there are a million people out there who work a second shift job, the least they could do is put a little quality programming on for them when they get off work. That was one of my biggest gripes when I worked on second shift. I would get off at 12:30, get home, and there would be nothing but home shopping network on TV. All night.

Which brings me hear, to my blog, whining about not feeling well, griping about nothing on TV, seriously considering whether or not I should try to drink another can of pop, I'm thirsty, I might be able to keep this one down.

Which brings up another gripe of mine. Why is it that when I'm sick, I suffer alone. But, when anyone else is sick, I'm forced to hold vigil with them until they are feeling better? It's not fair.


Blogger Trée said...

I'm here my sweet snowbunny. Can I get you another carrot?

12:44 AM  
Blogger W. C. Jack said...

Ya know. I have over 400 stations and there's nothing on to watch.

8:38 AM  
Blogger Read This said...

I find internet porn is a great way to make myself tired. Haha. Hope you feel better. One more thing, damn woman when are you going to move to a civilized city? Three stations? DO you have indoor plumbing? Haha, see ya.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Taking care of others is a nurturing thing, and mothers are naturally nurturing.

But hey - why not nurture the nurturer?

11:34 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

trée, I would love a carrot.

ben, got some sleep, still not feeling better. :(

jack, I'm sure I could find something to watch.

thomas, indoor plumbing?? I was in a house once that had indoor plumbing..... LOL

phoenix, if nobody nurtures the nurturer, she may not be around to do any future nurturing. (Try saying that 5 times fast.)

3:33 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

That suffering alone shit really hit a chord with me. AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE KIDS AND/OR SPOUSE! But I DO have whiney friends who complain when they're just a tad bit sinusey and I have to run over and bring them meds and liquids and blah blah blah. But when IIIIII'm sick???... Oh hell no! Where IS everyone? No where to be found. THAT'S where.


I feel much better now that I vented. Thanks!


7:57 PM  
Blogger Jillian said...

That is what my mother says, Sherri. Good question. Maybe it is all being part of a mother - who knows!

I hope you feel better, however. :-)

12:09 AM  

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