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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, June 10, 2005

Class is Dismissed

I'm not sure if I should feel privileged or what. Class was canceled yesterday because of the AI debacle, so Joe let me know as soon as he found out. Not a big deal, he sits right on the other side of the cubicle wall from me. About 20 minutes later, Ed came walking back to let me know the same information. Ed works in the bull pen, which is on the other end of the building. I just found out that Scott came back yesterday as well, but I had already left. He also was going to fill me in on the fact that class was canceled. Scott also works in the bull pen. I'm just glad I didn't sit here until 4:00 only to realize when nobody showed up that they weren't having class.

The AI run is not going well at all. It's a nightmare. I've never seem Jim so drenched in sweat. Rick has pretty much stood vigil outside the elk line with his arms crossed for 2 days now. Bob looks like he's absolutely been wrung through the ringer. We have hired a plane to fly Bob and as many boards as we can to Dublin Ohio for AI. When I last heard, we had around 60-70 boards through test. The order is for 100.

Tick... Tick... Tick.... (Time is running out.)


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