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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I'm going to be industrious today!

So, this will be my only work hour entry today. And, let me tell you, it's already shaping up to be quite a day.

Rick H. told me this morning that all broker parts will now be routed through receiving inspection. That's a ton of material. I don't have enough support to be able to handle it.

I have 5 meetings to go to today. All of which I know will end up with me coming out of them with actions. I can sometimes just scream. My brain wants to just freeze up from over use.

The receiving area internal audit starts today. My first audit since taking over the area. I have a complete belief that it is not going to go well because those guys are absolutely clueless when it comes to audit etiquette. They will undoubtedly point out every single flaw and uncertainty that exists. I also believe that they will break as many of the rules as possible.

I can't stand fake personalities today. I want to just claw their eyes out. I already told one person that I wasn't interested in the conversation they were about to have with me, and that I was too busy to waste my time with it. Surprisingly, she thought it was funny, and laughed, and said she would talk to me later. I was serious as a heart attack when I said it. I wanted for her to get mad at me. It never works. I'm not sure why.

Mary just came over to tell me that she and Audrey aren't getting along well. I have to babysit two feuding hormonal women. What's worse? They are my receivers!!



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