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Saturday, July 02, 2005

False Gestures

As I was mowing the grass, I happened to start thinking about what Dave was saying yesterday. He had mentioned that he was having a cook out today, he had invited over a school friend and her children. He was talking about how he really regretted inviting her over, and wished he could somehow get out of it. He had described how it happened. He had run into her and began chatting, one thing led to another, and he told her she had to stop in some time. He then went on to say, "I just said it, it didn't mean I meant it!" So, we all laughed. But, the thing is, it would have been perfectly acceptable for him to just leave it at "It's so good to see you." He didn't have to take it that one extra step, yet he felt the need to do so.

Which made me wonder about Jessica's invite to her cabin during her vacation. I'm pretty sure she meant it, and would not have invited me to stop out if she didn't really want me to.
The last thing in the world I want to be thought of is a pest.


Blogger Jessica said...

Hmmm, that's weird you would think so. Have no fear. I invited you via e-mail, and I'm always cool and composed via e-mail. I just felt like a jerk for not thinking of it sooner and inviting you at the last minute.

4:27 PM  

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