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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, June 30, 2005

'Path to Leadership'

Rick H. was, again, leading our class today. I hate it when he's there. He always calls on me when I'm totally not prepared for it. I was even hiding behind Scott P. to possibly shield myself from his view. Didn't work. Scott leaned back, and there I was, totally visible. I always feel like such an idiot after I've spoken. I can feel my face turn red, and I just know I sound like an idiot. It's so unfair. If I'm explaining a process, or giving a presentation, I'm always so good at it. But when it comes down to giving my opinion or my view on something, I freeze right up.

Much more horrible. In next weeks class, Rick is going to be playing 'devil's advocate' and reputing our arguments for our good/great leaders and our bad leaders. I'm HORRIBLE at that kind of stuff. I hate confrontations! This is going to suck! And, he researches everything.


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