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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Misc. Crap

I'm depressed today. I feel overwhelmed.

I'm bummed that my jeep got smashed. I can't wait until it gets fixed. It looks ugly. The thing is, I shouldn't be so wrapped up in how ugly it is, I should be thankful that none of us were hurt. I had both of my kids with me, and we all were unharmed. He hit us going really fast. What bothers me most, is, I have a lot of money wrapped up in paying for that jeep, and I just hate the fact that this has happened.

I had someone from one of the production cells confront me today because "nobody told me that your posting was up". First of all, it's against company rules for me to solicit other employees to come to my line. Second of all, I don't want her to work for me anyway. I would have to go through the entire interview process and everything with her, and have to tell her that she was not qualified for my open rec. (Which, she truly is not qualified.) It's bad enought that I have 2 other candidates that I have to really tread lightly over. It's going to be a tough decision this time.

My audit is today. I am NOT looking forward to it. A half hour of intricate questioning about company infrastructure and the like. I just don't have the strength to deal with it this morning. It's end of month on top of it all. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've got work up to my eyeballs to do. Not enough people to do it. And, I was just told by Bob that he has gotten the approval to scrap a bunch of stuff.


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