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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Am I the only one sick of hearing about Tom Cruise?

Good grief!! It's time to give the whole Tomkat thing a rest. I'm sick to death of it. At first, I thought it was kind of cute and everything. He's in love, she's a nice girl, yada yada yada; but, this is just too much. From what I see, I don't think this will be anything but a short lived TV romance that will burn out just as quickly as it started.

Think about it. She's probably very much like I am. Infatuation of a movie 'stud' is nothing new. But, is it just infatuation, or is it real love?? "oooh, Tom Cruise! He's so cute! I loved him in 'Risky Business'!"


Blogger Jessica said...

She used to have his poster up in her bedroom when she was a teenager! Ugh! I wouldn't dream of dating (or marrying) a guy that much older than I am. Whoops, sorry, Sherri. :)

4:18 PM  

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