I HATE Dave S!!
What an asshole! Rick brought back the people from Kodak to my area to go over our spiel, and he totally weasled in. What an Asshole! He seen them over there, and made sure he was standing at my desk when they came in so he could look important and get credit. Oh, it just burns me up! Normally during an introduction, everyone is allowed a moment to shake hands. Not this time! No, Dave steps right in there and takes right over. I just stood there. Greg gave me a weird look. He seen it too. I know exactly what he was thinking, it was the same thing I was thinking. So, Rick asked me to go over the RCP in the system for them, and Dave doesn't even move out of the way for them to come in closer. What an ASSHOLE! So, I showed the 2 quality people the RCP, Greg added a few tid bits of info, and they both thanked me for the demonstration, making sure that I was given credit and acknowledging that they appreciated my help. So, that tells me that they noticed it as well. Then Dave goes on some more after that about God knows what. What a weasel! I just want to squash him like a bug. Asshole!!!!!
Note to self:
Ensure that Dave is kept out of the loop whenever possible!! I'm going to have to Bob Miller him. Asshole!!
Note to self:
Ensure that Dave is kept out of the loop whenever possible!! I'm going to have to Bob Miller him. Asshole!!
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