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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, July 04, 2005

Miserable Day

Ok. This has been one of the most miserable days of my life. It's raining. It's muggy. I'm bored out of my skull. Zach is all whining because the light he bought for his bike won't stay on it the way he wants it to stay on it, he wiped out and a car seen him.......etc. I have begun to potty train Thomas, starting today. He is now in his 4th pair of underwear. Town was a rat race when I went to do my grocery shopping, and I was actually rude to a couple of individuals for blocking isles in the store. I mean, come on, get a clue. You can't place your cart in the center of the isle, and then stand on both sides of the cart.

On a positive note. I got to watch probably every single judge show that is on TV. I literally laughed out loud at one of the cases. The man was describing how he was looking for a 2x4 to smack someone "upside the head" because the guy had put a gun to his head. LOL!! The judge even asked him what was he thinking coming to a gun fight with a stick. Supposedly the plaintiff and his girlfriend were running an illegal gambling/prostitution/stolen goods 'club' out of their rented apartment. The defendant was the man who owned the structure, but he had been in jail for having sex with teenagers when his sister rented the couple the place. So, somewhere in the mix, the defendant had stolen several TV's and DVD players and electronic stuff. The defendant claimed he didn't steal it. Of course, after hearing all of the tid bits and various stories from both the defendant and plaintiff, the judge dismissed the whole thing.

Which, gets me thinking, I can not believe people would go on TV and embarrass themselves like that. Puh-lease!! For instance, 'The Maury Show'. Good Lord! If I see one more teeny bopper girl sitting on stage screaming about how some greasy haired tattooed thug is her 'baby's daddy' I'm going to puke. How desperate for attention must you be to publicly humiliate yourself like that? And, do you really think some 16 year old boy is going to 'claim his responsibilities' and support a child? I seriously doubt it. On today's show, a 23 year old black girl was all up in arms about how her 17 year old boyfriends family had thrown her and her 4 kids out on the street. Yes, that is correct, I did say 4 kids. Only one of which was supposed to be this 17 year olds child. Of course, in the end, it turned out to not be his kid, she ran off stage crying and arms a flailing. Maury ran off after her, to make sure he comforted her for the camera's. The boy and his 'momma' stood by yelling about what a ho and slut she was. All I could do is shake my head in disgust.


Blogger Jessica said...

Yet, you watched it from beginning to end! Hmmmmm. :)

4:33 PM  

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