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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Public Restrooms - To Use or Not to Use

Top ten reasons why I won't use a public restroom unless it's an emergency

10. It never fails, the person in the stall next to you will undoubtedly take a dump.

9. There is never any toilet paper in the dispensers.

8. Pubic hair on the toilet seat!! Ugh!!

7. It's a 50/50 chance whether or not the toilet is going to flush.

6. Walking into a stall that does not have the toilet flushed.

5. The smell of a public restroom.

4. The thought of who may have used the toilet last. (Like, the gross woman you passed as you entered, the one who looks like she hasn't showered in a month.)

3. Door locks that don't work.

2. Mineral deposits on the sink and toilet bowls.

1. Overflowing disposal canisters for the feminine hygiene products. Oh, yuck, yuck, yuck.


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