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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Closet Ditz

Yes, this morning, I totally made an idiot out of myself. We've all had those moments. Open mouth, brain shuts down.

So, here I am, sitting in front of the weird star trek looking speaker phone contraption. The person who set up the meeting has decided to make a page for the rest of the participants to show up. He says to me "Sherri, can you hit the pager for me?" I think to myself, sure, no problem. I dial the numbers, nothing happened. By now, everyone who was in the room is looking at me. The machine tech who is sitting next to me says "You have to turn it on." Don't ask me what possessed me to say such a thing without actually looking for the on/off button, but I say "How do you turn it on?" Duh!! The machine tech reaches over and pushes the huge button marked on/off. I thought I was going to die. So, not knowing what else to do, I just exclaim "You mean that humongous button labeled ON/OFF??" Everyone is now laughing, and Barb comments "That was cute Sherri".

Definitely one of those moments you would like to do over.

And.........Cut! (Director snaps)
Let's do it again, from the top! (Director waving arms for people to get in place.)
Ok..............Action! (The little yellow and black snappy thing slams shut)


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