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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tales of Torture

Just what you wanted to know........more tales of torture by the makers of women's under clothing.

Today's scenario : White satin shirt that can be a tad bit see through. A definite must, some kind of camisol top underneath. (Goodies shouldn't be on display at the work place.) On a shopping trip not too long ago, I 'thought' I had found the perfect article of clothing to remedy this situation. A one piece deal that would be discreet and seamless at the same time. Worked like a charm.........until I had to use the bathroom. There's just nothing like being nearly naked in a public restroom to add perspective to something.

Note to self, no more one piece deals ever again.


Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

You provide me a picture of you in one, and I'll provide a picture of myself in one. LOL!!

4:48 PM  

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