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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Home Made Pizza

Ok, so, I cheated. :) Nobody even noticed. I used pizza crust out of a biscuit like tube and Ragu pizza sauce. But, it certainly was good!

When I was a kid home made pizza went hand in hand with special occasions. Family get together?? Why, let's make pizza. Birthday?? Let's do a pizza. 8th grade graduation?? I've got the pizza cooking in the oven. To this day I still get a big smile on my face as I put together a pizza.

Last night as I was frying up the burger and bacon and stuff my mind skipped back to the time that my Aunt Margaret and Uncle Jack had come back to Michigan for a visit. My cousin Jackie and I were out in my Grandma's front yard walking on the stones. (She had a thing for stones. All of her flower beds were surrounded by big stones.)

I haven't seen Jackie in probably 8 years. I wish my family was close sometimes. After my Grandma died, it's like we all just forgot about each other. Not a good thing.


Blogger LBseahag said...

How cute that was...
In my family, it was guacamole ;)

12:21 AM  

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