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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, September 12, 2005

Picture it, the Huron room, September 12, 2005.....

Several of the managers, including myself, are gathered around the conference table awaiting CPR recerts. Now, since I was gone from work for the past 3 days, I had absolutely no idea I would be doing this today. I'm horrified. Each of us is handed our own mouth piece to the dummy and we pair up for partner CPR. Ugh, I get Ed. The military guy, everything has to be absolutely perfect. There is just nothing like kneeling on the floor hovering above a CPR dummy with someone pacing back and forth monitoring your every move. (That would be the instructor pacing back and forth.) I begin with the chest compressions, Ed takes the breaths. At this point, I realize, I have on lipgloss. When I go to do the breaths, I'm going to leave lip gloss all over this mouth piece. I'm so intently thinking about this, I forget to start counting as I do the compressions. Of course Ed says "Count", and I start over, this time actually paying attention to what I'm doing.

After we finish the 4 compression cycles, it is now my turn to do the breaths. I hate this part most. Breathing into a plastic dummy just somehow seems so wrong to me. But, you'll be happy to know, I got a 100% on the written test, and passed the hands on. So, if ever someone happens to collapse, choke, stop breathing, or lose their pulse, I am still certified in CPR.

Next step:

Blood borne pathogens and First Aid. Which, I need to be leaving right now because the class is starting in 2 minutes.


Blogger Unknown said...

Cherri I'm choking right now. Quick. Come. Loosing consciousness. Dead. ......... Breathing. Gasping. Breathing. Eyes opening. Alive. Yay!
I need to stop eating chips. They keep slipping down my wind pipe.
You can go home and practice on your real dummy. Sorry, I meant to say husband. hehe
Will this technique ever be used on your MIL, lol.

4:25 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

All I can say is, I hope that if I ever have to use these life saving skills in life that I can remember everything. And, if the situation ever came up where my MIL needed my help, I would help her.

4:32 PM  

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