8 Fantastic things that happened to me today
- My jeep did not burst into flames when I started it this morning.
- I was not kidnapped by the Taliban at the gas station.
- I continue to keep breathing without the aid of life support.
- Whoever was calling my phone when I arrived at my desk hung up before I had a chance to pick it up.
- I realised it was Friday, and decided not to do a damn thing all day. :D
- I was not eaten by a shark. (courtesy of Jessica. LOL)
- I am still completely mosquito bite free and lovin' it. (sorry to rub it in Phoenix)
- I have not, nor do I anticipate being struck down with bird flu.
6. You weren't attacked by a shark, which would have been really, really bad b/c we live hundreds of miles from the ocean.
Whoa...what a coincidence!
I wasn't eaten by a shark either.
But a few mosquitoes had a feast and I want to itch these bites so bad!!!!
Hold on ... wait a second ... 5 fantastic things! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ... no I got to five as well. Carry on.
I thought my maths had let me down there again. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Did you forget Gareth? I don't count well! LOL
Got any suggestions for me to add to the list?
Ha! I didn't even catch the fact that you actually had 7 instead of 5! Duh.
I haven't thrown up my lunch yet. That's a good thing.
Ok, I decided to change it to '7'. Better?
Did you know that rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite is supposed to keep it from itching? I haven't actually tested it because every time I get bitten, there are no bananas in the house.
There are mossies in Michigan?!
what? you haven't heard of those deadly land sharks?
come to think of it, neither have i.
and u don't have bird flu!!!!
Oh, I definitely have to add bird flu to the list!
gareth, if by "mossies" you mean mosquitos, why yes, we have them. They're our state bird.
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