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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I'm so tired. :(

It should be a crime against humanity to make people work this early in the morning.

10 Things that Should be a Crime Against Humanity
  1. Starting work at 5AM.
  2. Wearing white athletic socks with mules.
  3. Underwire bra's.
  4. Plumbers crack.
  5. Rotting nubs for teeth.
  6. Scott H. being single. (an engineer I work with.)
  7. Hairy toes.
  8. Selling Tammy Faye Mesner (Baker) make-up.
  9. Unkempt beards.
  10. Men with long toe nails.

Yes, I can't quite get it together today. I was going to attach a picture to all of the crimes listed above, but they were just to gross this early in the morning. Especially the teeth...... ACK!!!


Blogger duff said...

does the tammy faye set come with a small putty knife, by any chance?

2:09 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

good morning, sherri!! don't work too hard! take my quiz on my blog if you get bored!!


3:09 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

yes, duff, I believe it comes complete with putty knife and handy wheeled carrying case.

damasta, I'll be sure to check out that quiz. :)

3:32 PM  

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