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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Potluck - The Aftermath


Let's just start by saying the potluck went well. Elizabeth had the time of her life. The small group of people I had invited fit perfectly in the Huron Room. (I reserved it specifically for the party.) Everyone invited had a special relationship with Elizabeth, tears were flowing on more then one face. I couldn't have asked for a better turn out.

It was all quickly ruined by the 9 million phone calls I received from offended people and the one confrontational employee arguing with me at my desk. You should have seen the poor look on Elizabeth's face. That was the entire reason why she didn't want for us to do anything at all. I did not keep it a secret, I told everyone we were having a small potluck, but we would have cake for everyone in the plant. That is exactly what we did.

I hate people sometimes. Always something to complain about.

I'm usually very good at keeping my cool. I can almost always handle things. But I yelled at Alfreda today and told her I was not going to justify my actions to her. (She was the confrontational employee.) I wanted to just kill her. Everyone just stared at me. What can I say, I'm human too. :)


The Director of Operations just came back to bid her farewell. That was so cool. I'm going to miss Elizabeth so much. Tomorrow is her last day, we plan on giving her a card and her picture book tomorrow. It's hard to believe that she won't be here after that.
Ugh!! Alfreda was just back here. I just can't win for losing. She first cornered Elizabeth about not being invited. Bawling her eyes out I might add. She then cornered me. Still bawling her eyes out. I just have absolutely no patience for this crap today. I looked at Dave, and exclaimed "I don't know why this stuff happens to me all the time! I'm not a people person, doesn't anyone understand this??" I think that's the first time that I've ever seen him genuinely laugh.


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