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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, November 18, 2005

10 things that totally gross me out

  1. When the only bar of soap in the shower is squishy from sitting in standing water.
  2. The rotting pumpkins that are still sitting on my daycare lady's porch.
  3. Touching raw meat.
  4. Long toe nails.
  5. Pubic hairs on the toilet seat of a public restroom.
  6. That white build up that some people get in the corner of their eye.
  7. The smell of sour milk.
  8. Rotting teeth.
  9. Anything gelatinous.
  10. Mushrooms of all kinds, even the ones you eat.


Blogger DaMasta said...

ew ew ew...i can't stand pubic hairs on toilet seats, either.

pubic hairs on the floor, ok.

pubic hairs where i'm fixing to put my butt...soo not ok.

6:02 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

GROSS!!! Oh well, I'm embarassed say that my grandson's sad pumpkin in still on my front porch. We never use the front porch - we use the back porch so I never remember it is there.

6:11 PM  
Blogger lookingbusy said...

Combine number 1 with number 5. Before I can use the bar of soap, I have to inspect it to make sure there are no hairs on it. If there are, then I carefully scrape them off and down the drain they go. Then I can get clean!

6:22 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Damasta, glad to know I'm not alone on that one.

Duff, it's ok, I think you're great regardless of what is on your front porch.

lookingbusy, that would have been a great one for the list!

6:55 PM  

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